Tuesday, September 28, 2010

5 days and a sleep left!!

Things are really starting to come together now. Our home assessment was completed by the Care Group (medical supply company) today and we passed so that's a relief. I was worried with us just moving and the house not completely put together that it would affect us negatively, but since we have ample space for her equipment and supplies now, things went quite smoothly.

I spoke to the social worker today and the plan is this: Medical equipment and supplies will be delivered to our home on Thursday. Either Thursday or Friday we have to take the car seat to the hospital for Analeigh to complete a car seat challenge. This will determine whether or not she'll be able to be transported via car seat not only home but to future doctors' appointments as well. They'll put her in it after a feeding for an hour and a half while monitoring her sats. If she doesn't do well and a car bed is necessary, they'll send us home with one of those. Friday after Michael gets off work, we'll head up to the hospital to room in that night through Saturday night. We'll come home at some point Sunday for a little rest before heading back to the hospital Monday morning. She'll be discharged before noon (probably somewhere around 11am) and transported to our home via ambulance along with Clear Lake Regional's NICU transport team. We aren't clear yet on whether or not there will be room for us to ride in the ambulance with her or if we'll have to follow in our own vehicle. Once we arrive home, home health nursing will be waiting for us along with our Care Group rep to get her in the house and settled.

The social worker finally managed to find a pediatrician willing to take her with her special needs and her insurance... the only thing is, we'll have to drive all the way to Beaumont. On the upside though, she says he comes highly recommended. Thankfully, she'll have had her 6 month immunizations before leaving the hospital so we won't have to immediately take her to the doctor to get them. :)

I've been sick the last few days so I haven't been able to go see her... they don't like to let you in with a cough and runny nose. :( Michael has been going by himself but tonight we chose to stay home and get in some R&R before the craziness sets in. I called to check on her though and was told she's had a great day... been getting all the nurses to play with her! She's taking between 3-4 ounces per feeding every 3-4 hours, which is great. She weighs 11 lbs, 7.3 oz now. Our baby girl is getting big so fast! 

Okay boys and girls, that's all for now! :)

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