Saturday, September 25, 2010

9 More Days!!!

We're getting closer everyday to bring our sweet baby girl home.... 9 more days to go! Today is a busy day for us because we're moving into a bigger place in order to accommodate Analeigh's medical equipment and supplies as well as having an additional person in our home at all times. Where we are now just is just too small! The place we're moving to is next door to my parents, has a yard, a covered car port and 3 bedrooms. We'll have a much bigger living room and bigger bedrooms.

After the move this weekend, the Care Group will be coming to do their "home assessment" on Tuesday, then Thursday they'll deliver all the supplies and equipment she'll need. That Friday and Saturday night will be spent rooming in at the hospital in order to ensure we know how to provide all the care she requires (ie: preparing bottles, giving required medications, breathing treatments, suctioning, cleaning and changing her trach and operating the ventilator). Sunday will be our "day of rest" and then she'll come home sometime during the middle of the day on Monday, October 4th by ambulance.

It's exciting but I suppose a bit scary at the same time. It's not that I don't feel like I can handle her care, I just wonder if we really have everything we're going to need for her. I've tried to get things over the last several months as I thought of them, but from time to time someone mentions something I never even realized I needed. I guess all new moms encounter that, not just ones with "medically complex" babies like me. LOL. :) The dietician said they'll send me home with a case of formula and I know I have diapers and wipes to get started so I'm trying not to panic. 

Keep our family in your prayers, please. Pray for a smooth transition home and peace for not only us but her doctors and nurses as well. I know they are nervous about sending her home on the ventilator but they also know she needs the love and attention she'll get at home. Plus... she can't stay in the hospital forever. I know she has them all wrapped around her little finger but they've had her for 6 months... it's our turn now!!! :)

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