Monday, November 1, 2010


Analeigh finished her Amoxicillin today and now only has the tobramycin/albuterol mix left. She hardly ever needs to be suctioned anymore and we've been able to ween her pressure support on the vent down to 11 from 13. She also has been changed to 1/2 liter of oxygen and is doing well. When I get her supply shipment on Thursday, I will be getting a new oxygen concentrator that will allow me to ween her oxygen further but at a slower pace. I will work her down to 1/32 of a liter before completely taking her off of it in order to giver her more time to adjust.

Things got a little bumpy this past Saturday night because the home health agency waited until the last minute to let me know that we weren't going to have a nurse for the 7p - 7a shift. Michael and I had not prepared with a nap so the 12 hour shift was utterly exhausting. By the time our day nurse showed up at 7a on Sunday morning, I was ready to drop. I crawled into bed around 7:30am (Michael had already passed out on the couch an hour and a half before) and was dead to the world until 3:30pm.

We almost had the same problem again on Sunday night because the home health people had confused our nurse. One guy told her she had to work and then another came behind him and told her she didn't have to... so 7p came and went and no one showed up. I called the agency and they called her in but she didn't make it until around 9:30. I was relieved because I really don't think I could have handled it for two nights in a row.
Needless to say, our Halloween was very calm and uneventful. We watched a little television, ate some pizza and called it a night. :)

Tomorrow afternoon ECI is coming for their initial visit. I really don't know exactly what to expect because I don't have any experience in dealing with them. All I know is little bits and pieces the nurses have told me about their experience with them so I'm hoping it's going to be a positive and productive visit. From what I gather, they are supposed to help monitor Analeigh's skill development and teach me ways to work with her on her motor skills so she isn't too far behind. I guess tomorrow they will just observe her to see where she's at in terms of corrected versus actual age and what needs to be done.

Well guys, that's it for now. Thanks for reading and hope you all had a safe holiday... personally, I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving!!

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