Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Analeigh's Physical Therapy

With every day that goes by, I become more and more concerned with the progress of Analeigh's physical therapy. Most days, if you so much as touch her right leg, she comes unglued. If you look at her feet, they are turned outward and I have to say, it looks very painful to me. Her physical therapist has made mention of her need for metal braces (vs. soft ones) that worries me. When I apply gentle pressure to her right foot and try to massage it and work it back inward, it's very clear to me that it causes Analeigh great discomfort. I'm thinking that metal braces would turn that minimal discomfort into constant pain. The alternative? She won't ever walk. Even with the braces, it's not clear to me how much progress we can make in that area.

Since she's spent so much time in the hospital without adequate therapy and positioning, her hips have also become more contracted. Her legs have been allowed to lay wide open for too long and so when we rotate her legs inward, she grimaces visibly. In order to help correct this problem and give her physical therapy even when the therapist isn't present, a few vital tools are needed. One is a seating device of some kind that will make it more impossible for her to have bad posture while sitting up. Our therapist recommended a Tumbleform chair for this very reason. It, unlike her bouncy seat, will force her to sit up better and with her legs extended in front of her instead of "spread eagle". I think if she is regularly placed in this chair, it will minimize the contracting of her hips, legs and knees. 

Unfortunately, our insurance will not cover but one seating device and we've already chosen a Kid cart (that will help with transport to and from doctors' appointments and is designed to accomodate her equipment). These special chairs cost over $300 and we cannot afford one. I've set up a Donate button on this blog and also a link to donate on my facebook page. 

If we can't raise the money to purchase this chair (and other equipment such as a custom car seat), I'll have to find various charity organizations to apply to for help. The process can take as long as 6-8 weeks just to have your application reviewed. In the meantime, Analeigh's physical condition is a constant worry. If you can help, please do... in whatever way that is. Whether it be prayer, a financial contribution or sharing the links with friends so they can donate. 

My current goal is set at $1000 but any funds received above that amount will be used for other things Analeigh needs (ranging from diapers and wipes to additional medical supplies, a wheel chair ramp and eventually the purchase of an actual wheel chair if necessary). Thank you for your continued love, support and prayers throughout this long journey!

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