Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Latest news...

So, the preliminary results of Analeigh's UA only tested positive for Benzodiazepines (which we knew would happen because of her Diazepam/Valium). They are doing further testing that is supposed to differentiate between all meds in that class, but we were also told that if she was given Xanax (in the Benzo class), it would have been out of her system within 11 hours of the last dose.. she didn't get the UA until one week after the last suspected dose. So, it doesn't look too promising.

I've been back and forth in my head as far as doubt about whether or not we could still be wrong about what we think happened. One minute, I panic and think I did the wrong thing and the next -- I look at her and everything she's doing now and consider the 4 days of withdrawal-type behavior -- I look at the evidence and feel like there's no way we could be wrong. We may be wrong about what she was given or it all may have been meds that would not show up in her urine 1 week after the fact.... but what is not deniable is the fact that SHE IS DIFFERENT! She's not lethargic anymore but calm, she hasn't had anymore desat episodes, she tries to reach for things, is better at focusing on things, does that thing with her mouth when tickled, is starting to rub her face when she stretches and seems like she has less spasticity. I think she understands some things we say to her now and I honestly believe that LIFE has returned to her eyes.... I just don't see how that could be coincidence.

Anyway, regardless of whether we were wrong or right -- better safe than sorry, right?! I will say that I refilled her script for Diazepam before I fired the nurse and somehow I have come up a week and a half or so short on her Diazepam script. Seems kind of funny if you ask me!

I met with a new nursing agency on Monday and we're hoping to make the switch as early as Friday. They said they already have 6 nurses lined up to help out until we get permanent staff which is awesome. They think they have this entire weekend staffed (days and nights). I just know rules will be much stricter for nurses now and I'm going to have to try my best not to get overly friendly with any of them. You meet some great people and having to take this approach may mean not making friends I would otherwise LOVE to have but logically, the professional boundaries are there for a reason. They are not meant to be crossed. I see that now.

Okay folks, that's it for now!

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