Saturday, February 18, 2012

Leaps and Bounds

In the week since we let the night nurse go, Analeigh has begun doing things she hasn't ever done before. One of them (shown in the above video) is that she is responding to being tickled by her day nurse with a brand new facial expression using her mouth. Since the brain injury happened on Jan 21, 2011, she has only ever kept her mouth hanging open. Now, she can draw up her bottom lip (as you can see) AND when I touch her nose or her upper lip, she can close her mouth completely. It's so amazing!! I cannot wait to see what she does next!

As far as the situation regarding the nurse, we had a UA (urine analysis) done at her pedi's office on Thursday. If she was indeed given Xanax, it would have been out of her system within 11 hours of the last dose (and therefore not detectable on the UA). We made them go ahead and do it anyway in case there were any other drugs she could have been given. I do not yet have results and probably won't until Monday.

The drama has begun with all the he said/she said accusations... no doubt because the agency has called in the State for the investigation and the nurse was subjected to a UA as well. If anything in her UA matches anything in Analeigh's... she could be terminated. If not, the agency will be forced to keep her on and put her on another case to avoid a wrongful termination suit. We are keeping our fingers crossed and praying that something shows up so that she won't have the opportunity to do it to anyone else's child (if in fact, she did do this to Analeigh).

As each day goes by, I see more and more of the old Analeigh we used to know. The sparkle in her baby blues is coming back and with it, my hope. I had quietly accepted all the "She'll nevers" the doctors told me but now... now they can't convince me that she isn't capable of so much more! I can't believe the progress in a mere week! Just imagine what she might do a month from now, six months from now! I don't care if the UA comes back negative for everything... the coincidence is too great and nothing she could say would ever convince me that she wasn't doing something to my child! At least we will be able to rest with the knowledge that Analeigh is safe now and free to blossom and grow! :)

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