Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Update on Recent Events

So, some things have gone down today... first off, the pedi's office FINALLY got back to me. We have an appointment tomorrow afternoon (which was the first available) for the drug screen. The nurse told me that if something like this ever were to happen again, it would be an emergent situation and we should take her to the nearest ER for an immediate drug screen. I did not know this and I don't think any of us ever even considered that option.... it seems so obvious now that it makes me feel kinda stupid but I guess with all the craziness we simply over-thought it and missed the most plausible solution. Live and learn.

I also spoke with the head honcho of the pediatric nursing agency we use. It turns out that the DON (Director of Nursing) I e-mailed about the situation (who is notorious for not handling client complaints regarding nurses very well) has been let go. So, he (the head honcho) told me that the nurse in question was immediately suspended pending the outcome of an investigation. I am supposed to contact him as soon as we have results for the drug screen and he is already communicating with the other 2 nurses left on our case for collaborating statements.

After we get some results, I'll file a complaint with the Texas Board of Nursing. I'm kind of hoping the agency will help me do that. If not, I will do it on my own... regardless of what the drug screen shows at this point, they need to be aware of the situation in case it was to ever happen again with a much different outcome.

I have received several well-meaning comments on Facebook.. and have just decided that since I can't possibly give every single detail of the situation to you all, a lot of your comments are based on limited information. Due to this, I ask that there not be anymore comments offering advice. I am handling the situation in the manner I feel is best for Analeigh and our family. If that doesn't meet your level of expectation, it doesn't matter. She's my child, this is MY home, MY family and MY life. I will do everything in my power to protect these things. With that said, I would very much appreciate prayers that the truth comes out and that the situation is put to rest in whatever way it needs to be.

Thank you all...

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